Luxury Internet Marketing for Jewelers

When speaking to Jewelers around the country, they tell us they want more high-end buyers walking through their doors and purchasing their top-tier products. There are several ways Top TEN Percent Marketing is going to help you sell more of your top-tier products:

  1. Targeting the right buyers and the customers locally who are most likely to purchase your best products.
  2. Improving your online image, including creating new strategies and campaigns for your best products and engagement rings.
  3. Sending direct mail and email campaigns while creating new websites and unique online strategies.

Bleeding Edge Strategic Marketing Solutions

By creating these specific and creative marketing channels, whenever the consumer looks for engagement rings or jewelry services locally, they find you, one way or another. If we’ve done the direct mail and email campaigns aggressively, when the consumer looks for a jewelry store and sees you online, they will be familiar with having seen your ads before. 

This will prompt them to come in and purchase your products. You are turning brand recognition into purchasing customers. Over and over again, targeting your best customers and staying in front of them with a dominant online presence in multiple facets, unlike any of your competitors, will differentiate your jewelry store and help acquire your best customers with our best marketing efforts.

How are we going to accomplish attracting high-end buyers?

  • Improved Reputation
  • Marketing campaigns
  • Online strategies
  • Direct mail
  • Email

Marketing Program Implementation

Isolating the very best customers in your area begins with identifying the top zip codes around your business and branching out from there. More than ranking #1 on Google or the other search engines is needed to drive high-end clientele consistently. Trust us; We’ve tried. The internet will consistently deliver scattered results since the users are incredibly scattered. This is why direct mail and email campaigns to high-end customers and excellent search engine positioning are the solutions.

Top TEN Percent Marketing Goals for your Jewelry Store

  • Persistently drive high-end customers to your store to purchase your finest products.
  • Increase your bottom line with fewer transactions and improved customer quality.
  • Significantly grow your revenue.
  • Improve your clientele.

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Top TEN Percent Marketing offers High-End Luxury Internet Marketing for Jewelers Jewelry Stores SEO SEM GMB Google Marketing USA

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